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HTML Design Tips

1. Consistency
Try to make your web pages consistent. If each page looks different, your visitors may get confused and leave. Try to standardize navigation around your site by placing buttons in the same place on all your pages.
2. Same but Different
Don't copy other peoples' work and put it on your webpage. Instead, create your own content. However, do not try to be totally original because the chances are that someone else has already done what you are thinking of doing.
3. Info on Page ~2 Screenfuls
The information on your pages should only be about 2 screenfuls. If you have very long pages, people may loose interest and leave.
4. Don't Overdose on Links
Use links sparingly and only where appropriate. Don't add links just for the sake of adding links. Make sure the links tie in someway to the page they are on.
5. Avoid Page-O-Links
Hypothetical Example: Imagine if every webpage on the internet was just a page of links. There would be links to pages with links, to pages with links, to pages with links, to pages with links... Your visitors want to find information, not just jump all over the place getting nothing accomplished. Thus, you should add lots of content to your page so you don't have to link that much. Excessive linking makes visitors angry.
6. kEwL pAgEs are Uncool
tHeRe ARe EnOUgh pAGes LiKE thEses; THeRE iS nO ReASoN tO MAkE moRe. Does anyone really find any useful information on these pages, probably not! This style makes pages look unprofessional. However, if it is personal homepage and you like that type of writing, then go right ahead.
7. Spell Check
Check your spelling so you spell everything correctly. Some visitors will whine and say things like "well if you are so smart, why did you spell ____ wrong? How can I believe anything on your pages if you don't even know how to spell?" Honestly, I am not the world's greatest speller. I spell words wrong every once in awhile. Does this mean that all the information on these pages cannot be true, probably not! So just be careful.
8. Be Fearful of Frames
You should design your pages for the lowest common denomination. Some web browsers don't support frame. Some people just don't like frames. What's really terrible is when you load a page with frames into a frame. Frames in frames is bad.
9. Nota Lota Java
You should design your pages for the lowest common denomination (again). Some web browsers don't support java. Also, sometimes java locks up a visitor's computer. Other times it just makes the whole computer come to a crawl. Either way, java is not a good way to make a visitor stay.
10. Can I See You
You should design your pages for the lowest common denomination (again). Most visitors do not run their screen resolution at 1280x1024 in 128 bit color. You should design your pages for 640x480 at 256 colors if possible.
11. Use ALT in IMG Tags
There might still be some people surfing the internet using a text browser. If your webpage contains information and the graphics aren't important, use ALT in your image tags to give your visitors a greater understanding of your page. However, if your page is a high graphic page like a 3D Art gallery, it doesn't make sense to do this.

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