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HTML Miscellaneous Tips

1. Keep Current
If you update your pages often, your visitors will have a reason to come back again and again. If you never update your pages, visitors will come once and leave, never to return again.
2. How Old Are You?
Visitors like to know when the page they are reading was last updated. Visitors will pay more attention to pages that are updated recently because the information contained on them will be more up-to-date. However, if the visitor sees the page was not updated recently, he/she may just leave and go elsewhere. Old information may become obsolete.
3. Download Size
If you give your visitors the option to download a file, inform them the size of the file before they start downloading. Visitors don't like surprises.
4. Don't link to other servers
Don't link to images, files, etc... on other servers without telling the owner first. If you do this, the other person's server will get bogged down because of all the requests for the file. To prevent this from happening to you, change filenames frequently. This may not be necessary, but if you find out someone is linking to your files/images, change the filename and you will destroy their link. For courtesy, don't link to other people's files without telling them.
5. Don't Blink
Use the blink tag sparingly, or not at all. It is annoying. Also, the reader can not read what it says when it is blinked away. Just try reading a whole page where everything is blinking. Read-stop-read-stop-read-stop....

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