Wireless Home Networking Game Programming

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#8.0 Post Apocalyptic RPG



Main character name Subject 39.

Fallout style gameplay although not entirely post nuclear disaster storyline. There will be elements of a corporate style futuristic RPG, perhaps the game will be divided in to sections. Mouse control for firing will be a new idea, left button for left hand weapon, right mouse button for right hand weapon, this could be cycled so that feet could be toggled with hand weapons for kicks, etc (sorry so vague but I have to be quick I will expand this soon if possible). I have many ideas for themes for different areas of the game, for instance there will be a tribe of nomads who find you the Subject 39, care for you, bring you up, you must venture into the wastes to find out your past and ultimately unlock the secret that you are a genetically modified "subject" of an experiment that was the reason behind the whole nuclear war. The final boss will be Subject #1, various characters that you meet along the way will be other of the subjects you may also learn about the last of the other! Subjects before you and learn of the subjects legacies. The game would have as simplified a control system as possible to make the user feel at one with the game but not inhibited by lack of control. There would be alien involvement, but only as sub quests as in the fallout game. The game would also include plenty of humor as the humor in fallout is so great I couldn't possibly leave it out although it would all need to be original. I have ideas for different scenarios in the game such as sections where you are under siege by the police whilst at the same time fighting a bitter civil war/ skirmish within a clans headquarters, the plot would lead the rebellion to be crushed and the clan to turn on the police. The game would be real time if possible and would also feature vehicles with a standard vehicle being a solar powered jet bike which could be used during combat but would also have it's disadvantages. I have plenty more idea where they came from and I'm sorry it is ! so sketchy at the moment but I don't have much time to write this. I am a beginner programmer so anyone who can offer assistance with teaching me the basics that would like to join the project, remember everyone is welcome who can lend some sort of a hand, please mail me at mephs@hotmail.com, i look forward to receiving some sort of feedback from this if possible, and I'm really glad to be able to get this idea out for opinions so thank you all :)


Game concept developed by Mephs

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