Wireless Home Networking Game Programming

Ethernet Networking







#9.0 Crime Fighter



I've had this idea for a game for a while. It would combine the engine of both Zelda:OoT and Winback(both for the N64). The setting would most likely take place in a mainstream city, such as New York, or Los Angeles(or fictional). The main playable character would be a detective(or "off beat" cop of some sort, the player would be able to freely travel anywhere in the city, which would include homes, sky scrapers, hospitals, police dep., ect. While doing so, he would be called in where a major crime would be in progress. If the player has no crimes to report to, there would be small ones he would have to watch out for. Another tricky element could be, multiple major crimes could take place at the same time, and the one the player chooses to go to would determine the direction of the storyline.


Game concept developed by BoWWman

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