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Zingtech Web Site Design

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Mission Statement

Zingtech Computer Solutions is dedicated to excellence in the design and creation of custom web sites for the Internet. We serve everyone, business or personal. All you need to do is tell us how you would like your web page to look. We will exchange ideas, and once we have a firm understanding of what you want, we will construct your custom web site. We offer economical prices for our value-conscious customers. With over three years of experience designing web pages, we are able to take on the challenges of today, the future, and beyond.


Why do I need a web page?

A recent study claimed that 147 million people worldwide accessed the Internet at least once each week during 1998. This is a huge number and the amount of people using the Internet will continue to increase. This has a tremendous potential for allowing people from all over the world to see your web page, whether it be business or personal. For businesses, this is incredible advertising since your web site is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

How do I start?

Take a look at the steps to completion. This will explain the various steps in the creation of a custom web site.



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Unless otherwise noted, all contents are copyright © 1997 through 2007 Zingtech Computer Solutions and Michael Matczynski (). All rights reserved. If you have any questions or comments regarding this site, contact the webmaster or consult the legal disclaimer.

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