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[ Packages | Individual Services ]

Packages Include:

Consulting and Research

  • We will research other sites that will be like yours. This will give us and you an idea of the direction in which we will take to create your web site to. This is the planning stage. Once this is done we will begin construction of your custom web site.

Standard Page of Text

  • A standard page of text is a normal web page that is approximately 2 screens long. Included with this are small icons, bullets, and divider lines (if needed).

Background design set

  • A background design set is the image that will be used as a background for all of your web pages. This can be either a tiling pattern of images, or a bar on either side of the screen (like the bar on the left of this page). Custom background images are not charged extra.


  • Images may be either clip-art or scanned in images. Various sources will be used, such as online image archives, CD-ROM clip-art, and CD-ROM photodisks. If a suitable image is not found, we are able to create custom images from scratch using our digital imaging software.


  • On any of your pages we will create links to e-mail, other web pages, external web sites, etc. The links may be either a standard text link (underlined text and colored) or a graphic link (clickable picture).

Individual Services

Web Page Design

  • Design a custom business or personal web page for you according to your needs
  • Simple, yet effective web page designs
  • Creative, yet professional looking
  • Maintenence and updates to your web site

Image Scanning

  • Scan in images for use on the internet
  • Touching up scanned images to remove "noise"
  • Digital manipulations (if needed)

Web Site Hosting

  • Setting up web page hosting (details)
  • Setting up virtual domains with InterNIC so you don't have to get involved with the technical work
  • Setting up POP3 e-mail accounts

Web Site Promotion

  • Promoting your web site by submitting it to the Internet's top search engines allowing interested Internet surfers to find your web site
  • Informing other interested people by posting the site's address at other relavent web sites (exchange links)

Questions? Comments? Share your thoughts on the Discussion Forums...

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